Production respectful to life
We respect all living things that we share the Earth with. We know that a safe environment is key to a safe future. While producing ores and minerals indispensable for modern life, we take care to also produce benefits for a safe future. We support sustainable development in every link of our value chain.
We put sustainability at the center of all our activities in order to find ever better ways for the supply of the natural resources our country needs. We focus on innovation, technology, R&D and continuous improvement to produce the metals used by the modern world in the safest and most sustainable way possible.
We continuously improve our environmental, social and corporate governance performance through non-stop efforts aimed at mitigating climate change and reducing our carbon footprint. To achieve our goals, we encourage our employees to find new solutions and develop a culture of sustainability in the workplace.
We planted 217,739 new trees in our 8 businesses in 2023, increasing the total number of trees to 2,177,379.
We are committed to Environmental Safety
We prioritize continuous improvement to manage environmental risks effectively. Our company's fundamental approach is to comply with all applicable legislation, regulations and standards in every country where we operate. We are committed to ensuring environmental sustainability in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We develop environmentally friendly technologies and practices. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint, protect natural resources and minimize our environmental impact.
In order to protect and increase biodiversity, we work to restore natural habitats and create new ones. In particular, we invest in biodiversity projects with universities and other relevant institutions to minimize the environmental impact of mining activities.
Zero Waste Management
Since 2020, when we were deemed worthy of receiving the Zero Waste Certificate of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, we have achieved significant gains in waste management across all our facilities. Not only did we reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 14,604 kilograms compared to the previous year but we generated 1,051 liters of oil, 587,221 kWh of electricity and 388 square meters of storage space in 2023.
Renewable Energy Consumption
We adopt the United Nations' policies to combat climate change. In this context, we continue to reduce our carbon footprint every year. We are taking very important steps that will enable us in the medium term to meet our entire power requirement in production from renewable sources. For this purpose, we have built a hydroelectric power plant in Murgul with 4.7 MW installed capacity and have recently set up a solar power plant with 52 MW installed capacity on our premises in Mazıdağı, Mardin. We are currently working on a second solar power plant in Ağrı.
Rehabilitation Works
We pioneer the sector with projects that further our continuous development plans for environmentally friendly rehabilitation of mine sites. We have an ongoing R&D project in cooperation with Artvin Çoruh University funded by TÜBİTAK Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Directorate (TEYDEB), under which we are researching special plant species for soil rehabilitation in mining areas. We plan to expand the project to all regions where we have facilities and carry out our rehabilitation works in accordance with academic research.
We achieve our goals through continuous R&D improvement
Adopting the 'Zero Waste' approach in mining, we are engaged in continuous R&D to reduce, reuse and recycle waste in all our facilities. In this direction, we will continue our efforts to recover metals such as copper, cobalt and zinc from ancient and modern slags.
Afforestation Works
Following the extraction of natural resource reserves in all of our affiliated businesses, we are also starting rehabilitation work. In particular, we have increased our total tree count to 2.2 million by planting 217,739 new trees in the green areas we have created in the reclamation areas where we have planted tree species specific to the region.
Occupational Health and Safety
Every employee is our greatest asset. We know that all accidents are preventable, so we work to identify, manage and eliminate our risks. We use cutting-edge technologies, enabling us to manage work remotely with the help of automation and robots wherever possible. We will continue our efforts to further the safety and well-being of all our employees.
We support agriculture with fertilizer production
By adding the sulfuric acid generated in the process to the economy, we support the agricultural sector with the fertilizer we produce. In addition to our DAP fertilizer production in Mazıdağı and our sugar fertilizer production in Samsun, our annual fertilizer production capacity will reach 1.5 million tons with the new fertilizer facility investment continuing in Samsun. Thanks to our fertilizer production with 100% domestic raw materials, we support our farmers with fertilizer prices below the market.