The first copper mine of the Republican Era put into operation
Murgul Plant, the oldest copper mine in Türkiye, was commissioned in 1935 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of our country, in order to nationalize the country’s natural resources and bring them into the economy. The plant, which started production in 1951 and today operates with two mines, one open-pit and one closed-pit, produces 45,000 tons of copper concentrate annually.
The copper concentrate produced in Murgul is transported in pulp form to our facilities in Hopa via two pipelines. The pulp is filtered and dried in Hopa and then shipped to Samsun from Hopa Port. Murgul Plant has at the same time a hydroelectric power plant with 25 MW installed capacity.
Murgul Plant also maintains a pioneering position with the steps it takes in environmental issues. Breaking new ground in the Turkish mining sector, the plant has implemented a project supporting sustainable environment in cooperation with Artvin Çoruh University and TUBITAK, Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Directorate (TEYDEB). Under the project, the ideal plant species were researched and planted for mine reclamation in Artvin.
At Eti Bakır Murgul Facility, we produce 2,000,000 tons of run-of-mine copper ore and 45,000 tons of copper concentrate annually.
Annual Copper Concentrate Production
45thousand tons